从韦德体育app官网毕业的学生在两个学习项目中取得了成功:他们的专业学位项目和韦德体育app官网创新的通识教育项目. Alongside the in-depth study for professional success, 通识教育项目为学生提供了培养雇主重视的技能的机会,这些技能对于成功参与当地和全球社区的公民和成员至关重要.
The core skills of critical thinking, effective communication, 信息素养, 和社会意识塑造了我们通识教育项目提供的所有课程. 因为他们对我们学生的教育和未来的成功至关重要, 这些核心技能被视为大学学习成果(ULOs)。.
- 至关重要的思想家 are capable of comprehensively exploring issues, 的想法, 工件, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion. 他们分析, 评估, and synthesize relevant information, alternative points of view, 推论, 和/或假设, in order to arrive at substantiated conclusions.
- Effective communicators analyze rhetorical situations, adapt their discourse to diverse genres and media, treat their sources and source material ethically, 并满足学术界内外各种话语团体的期望. 它们传达思想, 参数, or analyses clearly and cogently in oral, 写, 或者视觉形式, 他们运用有效的沟通技巧,以适当的环境和目标受众.
- 公开大学毕业生 信息素养的 公民 who reflectively find and 评估 information, 理解 how that information is produced and valued, 负责任地、合乎道德地使用信息,创造新知识,作为终身学习者参与社会. They effectively integrate relevant information sources to build new, 或者添加到现有的, public or professional 理解ings.
- Socially aware 公民 展示他们的跨文化能力,并考虑他们的话语的伦理含义, 行动, and engagement with or indifference to other communities. 他们运用原则, 方法, 价值体系, or ethics to social issues confronting local and global communities.
韦德体育app官网的通识教育课程由三部分组成,与每个专业相辅相成, giving students a well-balanced, 完善的教育. Complete requirements are available in the 课程目录.
- 基金会 课程培养学生在职业生涯中的写作和推理能力.
- 探索 课程提供了对宇宙、社会和人类的理解.
- 集成 courses prepare students to solve real world problems.
OU students must meet the writing foundations requirement. You'll be introduced to the elements of effective writing and rhetoric. 作文II (WRT 1060)符合这一要求,但不符合条件的学生(基于 course placement tests) will first need to complete prerequisite courses. See also writing intensive on the 集成 选项卡.
- Knowledge of the elements, writing processes and organizing strategies for creating analytical and expository prose
- Effective rhetorical strategies appropriate to the topic, audience, 背景和目的
这一领域包括计算机科学等学科的课程, 数学, 统计数据, 语言学和逻辑学要求学生使用形式推理系统来建模和解决问题. 在进入大三之前必须修一门正式推理课程(56学分).
- 具备一种或多种形式推理系统的知识,如计算机编程, 数学, 统计数据, 语言学或逻辑学
- Application of formal reasoning to read, 理解, model and solve problems across a variety of applications
公开大学的学生需要在下面列出的七个知识探索类别中选修一门课程. 在这里,你将学到广泛的知识和分析技能.
While completing each of these courses, 请记住,有些也可以算作多样性要求(参见 集成 选项卡) and/or the writing intensive requirement (see the 基金会 选项卡).
- Knowledge of cultural or historic artistic traditions in visual, 听觉, 运动, theatrical or cinematic art
- 艺术作为对社会的批判性评论和作为经验的美学表达的作用的知识
- Knowledge of two or more of the following: environments, 政治制度, 经济体, 社会, and religions in any region outside of the United States
- 了解不同的文化遗产(过去的和现在的)在形成世界另一部分的价值观中所起的作用, enabling the student to function in a global context
- Knowledge of an additional language and its associated culture
- 了解语言和文化的多样性以及这种多样性对全球社会的贡献
- Knowledge of how literature is an expression of culture
- Knowledge of literary form
- Knowledge of major concepts from natural science or technology, including developing and testing of hypotheses; drawing conclusions; and reporting of findings and some laboratory experience or an effective substitute
- How to 评估 sources of information in science or technology
- 概念知识, 旨在增进对人类行为和/或社会的理解的方法和理论
- 应用心理学:对涉及个人、机构或国家的问题的概念和理论的应用
- 了解欧美文化的历史事件和/或哲学思想
- Knowledge of how Western 的想法 or institutions have evolved over time
The knowledge integration area focuses on issues of ethics, the application of knowledge to specific problems, and the relevance of the undergraduate experience to life.
探索如何将知识应用于自己研究领域以外的领域. 你将比较和对比本专业和其他领域使用的方法. The course must be outside of your major.
- 如何评估学生专业以外领域的知识,并将其应用于解决一系列应用中的问题
- 了解这些应用对个人、专业、道德和社会的影响
顶点课程的经历将在通识教育和你的专业之间建立一个明确的联系(或者在通识教育的组成部分之间,如果你选择了通识教育顶点课程而不是你的专业)。. The capstone can be interdisciplinary- or discipline-specific. 如果是主修的话, 它必须明确指出至少三个通识教育知识领域和能力与专业的相关性.
虽然换专业的学生可能会被要求参加第二个顶点作为他们专业的一部分, 你只需要满足通识教育顶点要求一次.
- 适当使用各种调查方法,并认识到出现的道德考虑因素
- 将通识教育中所学的知识与学生的生活和事业相结合的能力
写作强化课程帮助学生在本专业(WIM)和专业以外的学科(WIG)中发展高级写作能力。. 写作 intensive courses require the completion of the writing foundation requirement.
- More than one writing format, such as 写 papers, 实验室报告, 摘要, 小测验, 考试, 期刊, ungraded writing assignments, 课堂写作, and writing in small groups
- Critical inquiry through the writing process, 包括收集, 解释, 评估, and revising information appropriate to the area of study
View the complete requirements for writing intensive courses.
确保你的通识教育课程和/或你专业的课程也满足多样性要求. 如果一门课程的一半内容涉及与以下至少两项相关的问题,那么该课程就有资格满足多样性要求, 性别或种族.
- 了解不同的价值体系和社会结构如何受到以下至少两种因素的影响:种族, 性别和种族
- Major challenges and issues these raise in society